Concentration: A way to improve the experience of life

Concentration: A way to improve the experience of life

In this contemporary world we tend to be multitasking and always in hurry to complete the task. It is because of the way we are living and experiencing the life.

But whatever we want to do in our life, need to pay attention. But it seems so difficult and most missing thing in life. Since childhood we have been told and advised to concentrate on study, work or other important area of life. We understand the importance of concentration in our daily life but a big question is what concentration is and how to do it?

What concentration is?

“Concentration is the ability to keep awareness on one object for extended period of time”

Cultivating the ability to concentrate is so important in our daily life which helps us in self-development. The most important byproducts of concentration are observation and listening abilities. Even if you want to meditate you must learn first how to concentrate.

However the good news is that yoga can help you to concentrate and improve focus which can be a key to experience the life in its depth.

How yoga can help

I would say yoga is universal solution of many distractions which we have in our life. If you see real meaning of yoga according to yoga sutras, yoga is the practice which helps us to have the non-fluctuating state of mind. Non-fluctuating state of mind is peaceful and balance mind which is so hard to experience for us in current scenario.

If you are already practicing yoga for a while, you must have realised some of benefits from yoga such as healthy body, more peace of mind and enhance the way of living. We certainly have realised the importance of concentration in every aspect of life.

You may also find that you are able to tune out distractions a little better, stay still (both physically and mentally) for longer periods and offer more measured and reasoned responses to stresses and challenges.

Yoga asana and pranayama practices that can help to improve concentration

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and Sukhasana (cross legged) are the best positions for meditation and focusing the mind which also us to keep spine erect.

Balasana (child pose) is another pose recommended because of its ability to make the practitioner feel peaceful and comfortable. Balancing poses such as the

Garudasana (eagle pose) and Vrksasana (tree pose) are also recommended because it requires concentrate on physical balance. As you concentrate on being better balanced physically, this helps to develop mental concentration too.

Then these postures practices can be integrate with breathing. In fact specific pranayama techniques can help significantly with the development of concentration. Nadi sodhana (alternative breathing) is the best practice for balance in the mind. Practices of one pointed attention on any object can help us to remove distraction. As you train your mind to stay still in this way, you can meditate more effectively.

Other tips for improving concentration

  • It’s hard to concentrate when you’re tense. It’s important to relax when working on a task that requires concentration.
  • Don’t try to do two tasks at the same time. You won’t be able to concentrate on either one very well. Concentration means keeping awareness on one object.
  • Break large tasks into a series of smaller tasks that you can complete one at a time. If you try to complete a large task all at once, you may feel overwhelmed and may be unable to maintain your concentration.
  • Make a schedule that shows what tasks you need to accomplish and finish it before getting into next task.
  • Alter your environments to improve concentration. Being mindful and committing fully to the moment and to whatever you are doing.


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